Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is There Really Proof for Atheism?

This is a video of Minister Facey of the PC4M ministry in Los Angeles. He shares about the science and history of the Bible in comparison with other holy books.

Yeah, they call themselves Internet missionaries. I had made up the term new media missionaries a few months ago. Whatever they call themselves; they are drawing the line between the world and the Church. I'm so glad to find that someone is a voice. I say a few words here and there, but man they are just bringing it. Let God be Praised!

Leia Mais…

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yes and Amen

Leia Mais…

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Lesson on Humility

God Hates Pride.
I shared my account of this on my other blog:

Leia Mais…

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God Bless You - Cathy Lechner Teaching

So I went to a three day conference with Cathy Lechner at The Covenant Center in Lakeland, Florida this weekend. If you have no idea who she is this is a video of her with at Benny Hinn's church.

She spoke on three key things:

Day 1 - If you find yourself "shipwrecked" like Paul, declare that the Lord has not brought you to that place to kill you, but to fulfill your destiny. God is up to something, something good.

Day 2 - Reason is the guillotine of faith. Control your mouth. Bless the Lord at all times. You can be in the secret place of God in any place that you decide to meet with Him.

Day 3 - Speaking in tongues is your prayer language given by God. God is drawing us to Him and letting us fall in love with Him again, which is why He's letting so many things that we depended on crumble. Stay in that secret place, meeting with God daily so that you remain drenched in the Holy Spirit.

So many of us go through our lives dry because we do not meet daily with God. She emphasized making a daily appointment with God as way to able feel His tangible presence in our lives. As I think of how I have neglected to do this, I realize that this is indeed the "needful" thing that Jesus spoke about with Martha. The picture is complete now. I see Jesus saying, "Come to me and be filled so that you can share Me." Those that walk in power and victory are constantly seeking to be with the Lord.

Also on day two and three she spoke about the full meaning of "God Bless You." She said it means God's full and final purpose in your situation. She said in this way, you can say God bless you to your enemies.

She also revealed that in the verse Zechariah 4:7 "Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’” the word "grace" translates to "berakah," the same word translated in the New Testament to "bless".

Leia Mais…

Friday, October 23, 2009

The One Thing - Daily Devotional From Joseph Prince Ministries

I just wanted to share a little about the devotional for today. It has become increasingly obvious to me that Christians suffer because they to not make a conscious effort to renew their minds with the word of God. I have subscribed to a number of marketing mailing lists (almost too many to count), but lately I have been unsubscribing from them and searching for Truth. There are few really good newsletters. I feel like The One Thing - Daily Devotional from Joseph Prince Ministries is one of them. I wanted to share something too. I subscribed to this newsletter four different times. There was an error the first three times. I thought that maybe the newsletter wasn't being sent anymore. That just goes to show how valuable it is. I had to fight to get on this mailing list.

I believe the "one thing" that is needful is to behold the Master Jesus, trusting in His finished work. I have written a little about God being outside of time, but I did not consider what that means for us. God is both outside of time and space. These are His creations. So if we are in Him we can experience miracles that are not possible inside of time and space. This is why we experience miracles when we touch Him in worship, and this is why we are healed when we just believe it was done (It is finished).

The part of the devotional that spoke to me today was Pastor Prince's story about his depression as a young lad. He said that he thought that he was possessed, but it turns out that he was being oppressed by Satan because of the calling on his life. God connected Joseph with one of His ministers, and that minister prophesied to him that he would be preaching to thousands and impacting thousands of lives.

What does that mean for you? It means that you need to acknowledge God's power and His plan for your life. It might be the dream in your heart or God might send someone to tell you His plan, but your current circumstances are nothing, even if they seem good, compared to all that God has planned for you.

Leia Mais…

Friday, September 18, 2009

Time, Destiny, and Dreams

Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Woah, have I been drinking in a lot of revelation of late. My pastor has been speaking on mastering transitions. What I've learned is that change is necessary and it is painful because it is the birthing of something new. Giving birth to something is never a pleasant experience, and we are so happy when it is over.

The pastor outlined the stages of transition by following the story of Joseph. Joseph had a vision of where he would ultimately fulfill his destiny, but he had to go through: the revelation, the process, and then the promotion.

He reminded us that we often abort our dreams during the process. We are so unwilling to suffer anything. The seasons of life begin with change just like the natural seasons. But, when things start to change we can either fight or rest in God. Sometimes fighting the process makes it longer. And sometimes we pray to be taken out of it and we are, but then the character needed for that promotion is not perfected in us.

Sometimes we choose our own way, this results in premature promotion, Ishmaels (dreams that resemble the promise of God but bring sorrow). Without the right character we ruin lives. He reminded us that Joseph probably would not have chosen to be thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, accused of rape, and locked up in prision in order to be promoted. When we choose the way that looks good to us, we end up like Lot (in need of rescue). The patience to endure hardship, the ability to let go of people and things, and the faith to believe that God will fulfill His promise in time ensure us victory.

Also not knowing where we are in our seasons causes such frustration, so we are to ask God what He's perfecting in us at the moment.

Leia Mais…

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Training Wheels

This is extremely funny to me. I started planning to write this post probably two weeks ago, but it's good, it's okay. It's been marinating so it will be good. So about two weeks ago God posed a very good question to me, in fact the pastor posed a similar question to all the members tonight.

He asked, when was the last time you led someone to Christ.

But, let tell you what God revealed. He explained that church meetings were training grounds. One is supposed to get training and teaching at the church and go out and change a city. God asked me, "What happens when the training wheels come off?" He caused me to examine my life, and I realized that without another Christian being present with me, my morals were pretty poor and my testimony of Him was not that great either.

So all of this was for us to realize how dysfunctional many churches have become, because there is no work outside the walls. After we have vacuumed, swept, and dusted the walls what work is there left to do?

Ezekiel 3:15
Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelled by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days.

聖經 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
我 就 來 到 提 勒 亞 畢 , 住 在 迦 巴 魯 河 邊 被 擄 的 人 那 裡 , 到 他 們 所 住 的 地 方 , 在 他 們 中 間 憂 憂 悶 悶 地 坐 了 七 日 。

My pastor went into detail about all Jesus risked (reputation wise) by talking to the Samaritan woman at the well, but He felt compelled to go there. To been in a meeting place of sinners. The pastor compared it to the "street corner" on the city block.

I was also meditating on Matthew 7:6 today.
Give not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
I had to know who the dog were, and after a little bit of study I discovered the dogs are people that are either self-righteous (thinking that they are holy of themselves and their deeds) or those that have heard the Truth of the Gospel and rejected it. Haters of God, men that love evil, those that will curse you and spit in your face when you tell them that Jesus loves them.

There are so many more that are thirsty for the Living Water like the Samaritan woman. It is not fit to waste your energy on the ones that are angry with life, God, the government, etc.

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Muslim Honor Killings

This girl caused me to fear, not in the sense that I was afraid. My spirit was quickened. And I just think that much of the church sleeps because belief here is usually not life and death. My cost has been the beautiful plans I had for my life and everything I thought that I would be. But, I have been bought with a price, and my Lord has better for me than I can imagine, ask, or think. We watch it unfold.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

(*I pray for the Spirit of Christ to give me wisdom with which to speak about Himself)

This week the students in our TESOL class are studying this passage of Scripture with hopes of applying it to intercultural communication. This was my response to the question of how should this passage influence our times of conflict:

I know that the things that I will say here are ideals. They are standards and that cannot be achieved without consciousness of God's Spirit and prayer while communication across cultures. With that said, in every situation we should be aware that we are ambassadors of Christ, representing His goodness and continuing His mission of reconciliation of the world's peoples to Himself. So when we find ourselves in conflict, when we are in a disagreement with persons of other views and practices we should remember our mission and continue to treat them with respect and with mercy as Christ did for us. Also with the knowledge that we are forgiven, we can forgive or overlook attacks from the other party because we are looking at the bigger picture, which is their value to God and the interaction from an eternal perspective. Ultimately, we are to protect and love them as ourselves even if they at odds with us. It is hard to reconcile an enemy to God, so our actions should be kind and bring them to the awareness of God's perfect love for them.

Leia Mais…

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Purpose Driven Life

I generally make blog posts based on something that I am studying, but I have not picked up the book titled The Purpose Drive Life. In fact, maybe to my shame, I avoided it because I thought it was a fad. I am always late to jump on the bandwagon for anything (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

I wanted to talk about how all these things online can contribute to noise (distraction) in our lives. Whatever we create online is indicative of who we are. What activities are we doing on our social networks? Playing games? Ministering? Catching up with old friends? This is not a question of whether playing online games is a waste of time or not, because God created all things for us to richly enjoy, but this is a question of are we are going onto this sites decidedly to play games, message friends, or minister to the loss.

The decision is what matters. What often happens is that we sign into these websites with one intention and then are sidetracked by other irrelevant information. Sometimes we even forget why we signed on in the first place? What am I doing? Before signing on a decision should be made of how much time we want to spend on that website and what we want to do there. The websites are tools for communication, but they've become hang-outs for bored people that have not really thought about what they should be doing.

I found something that I believe is worth my time. For the last couple of months I have been helping a Christian Non-Profit in South Africa establish an online presence. I am new to the world of non-profits, but one thing I understand is that they depend on the help and support of donors and volunteers. My recent purpose was to create a Causes account for them on Facebook and to start a campaign to dig a well for a local community.

Click Here to Visit the Help Us Dig a Well for South African Orphans Causes Page

So many years of aimless networking brought me to this point at which I can sow into the Kingdom. God can use whatever we're good at to reach people. For some it is singing, for some it is giving hugs or encouragement, and for others like me it is giving technical expertise and marketing advice. I never imagined that I would be able to use this type of gift for the Kingdom. Praise God! We do not have to move away from who we are or what we are to sow into the Kingdom. In fact, we need to redefine what it really means to wear the missionary hat.

My mother is a missionary to the ICU at her hospital. She ministers to many on their death beds. I am a new media missionary. I minister to those lost in meaningless chit-chat and advertisements. What is your area of missions? Will you make a decision to make purposeful action in that area today?

Leia Mais…

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chariots of Fire Reflection

I just happened onto a video about this old movie that I'm told that I need to see by some people, Chariots of Fire. Funny that I always thought that the title was taken from a rock group or something. Anyway, in the clips from the movie on Youtube, one of the stars is talking about not running on Sunday because it's the Lord's Sabbath and in reality Friday night to Saturday is the Sabbath.

Not the point though. The point is that He was standing for God over his own glory. He missed his best event in the Olympics. As I'm writing this I am thinking that I might want to see if Blockbuster has a copy.

Back to the point. It's 5 AM and I haven't been to sleep yet.
Back to the point. I wonder sometimes what would happen if Christians really took a stand for God in their respective arenas. Something that really touched me was Eric Liddell went on to become a missionary to China and lived there until his death.

It's something that I feel in my bones. That I am called to go to China, and not to just feed a few orphans, pat myself on the back and come home. I feel that I am called to be a friend to the people and in whatever ways God has determined become a light to the people.

I wonder how much I have compromised. I always say I stand later.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Roman 8:1 Reflection

Amplified Bible
THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.

I took the liberty to look up the meanings of these words in my Key Word Bible.
condemnation: an adverse sentence or verdict; (completely absent for the Christian walking after the Spirit.)
Christ: epithet of Jesus, means Messiah, "the Christ of the Lord."
flesh: by implication, human nature; human being; carnal.
Spirit: a current of air; breath; breeze; ghost; life; spirit; mind; the Spirit referring to the Holy Spirit and His influences.

It always brings a new depth of meaning to a verse when one explores the roots of words and more complete definitions as given in the original languages. I like the word "absent". Condemnation is absent from the believer that is walking after the Spirit.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Bride and The Bridegroom

I've been getting up early to hear Joseph Prince on the ABC network. It's funny that I really needed to begin with God and end with God to be able to focus. My sleep. If I decide to sleep is sweet knowing that I have gotten a little bit of His word and a better understanding of Him.

From the first letter of bride and the first letter of bridegroom in Hebrew one gets the word for "power" KOACH (from the Hebrew word "כח", meaning "strength")

Joseph Prince elaborated on the fact that marriage was the beginning of two agreeing on earth. He was telling the story of Isaac in Gen 26. How he had lied concerning his wife in saying that she was his sister. Then he pointed out that after the lie was brought to light and their relationship made right that he sowed and reaped one hundred-fold in the time of FAMINE. We can look to God in this time of famine. The basis of his argument was when they were in agreement they had the power to get wealth.

Prince explained the completeness of a marriage covenant and how two people together on a mission for God cannot be stopped. "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)

Deut. 8:18
18But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

The word power in the previous verse is KOACH in Hebrew. It is made up of the symbols for the bride and the bridegroom. He used it to explain the beauty of a man receiving his help through his wife. I understood it in the larger sense of Jesus (The Bridegroom) and the Church (The Bride). When we are united; we are unstoppable. Desperate poverty results after people forget God.

Leia Mais…

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Thoughts on Higher Education

Ecclesiastes 1:18 (KJV) For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

She got a doctorate to mock it. She wanted to be measured by her level of abundance of resources not her level of education, yet she knew that she would be measured by both. Getting the doctorate was most painful because she understood that genius was not found in the classroom and that wisdom was not something that could be taught.

She knew that genius was a result of spending time with something and a gift from God like wisdom its comrade. But, she got the doctorate anyway because you were watching, because it seemed like the respectable thing to do and because it was somewhat difficult.

All the while she was thinking of her friends that left college prematurely to follow their desires that could not be taught. Higher education seems to ignore the matters of the heart. There's something unrepentantly stale about it. And while the learners are alive at the start, she knew that a complete digestion of all the said theories inextricably resulted in death.


Is it onward to her death in the name of a degree or shall it be a costly game that she can play 'til its conclusion? One thing she's learned on the journey is what many theorists and philosophers know; it is this fact that causes sorrow. In the revelation of new things is the realization of how little can be truly known and how much territory still lies uncharted.

We have covered the world, or have we? We have mapped outer space, or have we? We have determined who should be paid the most for their knowledge of a subject, or have we?


God only knows how much work or how little I am putting into this process, and He will determine how I am rewarded. Shall I join the many voices that have uttered, "How long Lord?" Remember the day begins in darkness and what appears to be light on the other side is but a variation of obscurity. The conclusion, God holds the true light, knowledge, and abundance, and whatever measure of it we think we attain always falls short of His perfection.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Luke 3:16 & Luke 12:50

I have a baptism to be baptized with, and what stress I am under until it is completed! Luke 12:50
He answered the question by saying to them all, "As for me, I am baptizing you with water, but One mightier than I is coming, whose very sandal-strap I am not worthy to unfasten: He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3:16

These two scriptures recently have captured my attention because I've been going through a period in which I have been stripped of everything that is precious to me. My friends, respect, order, job, social status...I could go on, but the point is that Jesus had a baptism to undergo that cost Him His life.

And so I must be in that vital stage. I sang "Lord I give you my all." Now comes the process.

I believe that being baptized with the Holy Spirit is wonderful. The Holy Spirit is nearer to us than our own breath, but what of the baptism of fire? Is the burning of something ever a wonderful experience? Fire disintegrates things. Only the essence of things survive. I don't know how much more falsehood needs to go in me, but being in this fire feels like a near death experience. And I can't wait until it is complete!

Leia Mais…

Saturday, May 16, 2009

conversations with God

I have been learning a lot about changing the person you are being in order to experience different results, and as I lay on my bed this morning two very distinct thoughts were given to me about the true nature of things. At some point we have to realize that this page, computer, house or where ever you are is temporal. That is widely accepted and recognized in Christendom. But what about...

Thought 1: Who you are is a lie; it changes.
Thought 2: The truth is that you are.

The point being that you will wear many hats during this lifetime and you will be thought of in many different ways. None are true because they are passing. But, the fact that you are remains. You will be for all eternity. Does that change the way you play your cards?

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-8

I was given the opportunity to compare these two passages for a class I'm taking on Second Language Acquisition. I was amazed. I think I made a post earlier about the Tower of Babel and why God chose to scatter the people and confuse their speech. It seems even more interesting that He gave His Holy Spirit to make the people one again.

The Holy Spirit is important in the sense that He brings unity and common understanding of who Jesus is to the body of Christ.

I cannot explain the feeling of awe that overcame me when I was presented with the two passages side by side. God is amazing.

I have meditated on that passage a lot about the Tower of Babel. I have to say, I thought that the diversity of language could only be punishment for the evil thoughts of man. I have often thought of how although we are one people in reality, we can still think of others as “other” or “not a part of us” because of language or appearance. These thoughts create disunity. I think of the statement Jesus made in Mark 3:24, “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” As long as all humanity continues warring because of differences we cannot build a better world together.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Romans 5:17

Excerpt from: Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on Romans 5:17

Through the grace of God, the gift by grace has abounded to many through Christ; yet multitudes choose to remain under the dominion of sin and death, rather than to apply for the blessings of the reign of grace. But Christ will in nowise cast out any who are willing to come to him.

This message has been kicking down many doors to get to me, and I see it now and I am in awe of God. This is a commentary on the central Scripture of Joseph Prince Ministries. Sin reigned, but now righteousness reigns, and those in Christ have overcome the world. Amazing, we are so often taken back to the law and reminded of our sins, but verses prior reveal that the law was to show the need for grace and grace to take the place of the law. You must choose the law and death or grace and life. You must choose to look on the brazen serpent and live or let sin and judgment destroy you (Numbers 21:4-9).

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who Is Like Our God

Who is like our God? He holds time in his hand.
He sets provision in front of us, He tells
goodness and mercy to hunt us down.

When you pray know that He hears and has heard and
delights that you have faith in Him to provide.
Patience mixed with eager anticipation.
Walking in the direction of that answered prayer,
He is there walking with us.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Psalm 47:1

"O CLAP your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with a voice of triumph."

As I meditate on this scripture today I am awakened again to the teaching last year on the halal. Or the proper sacrifice of praise unto God. The teacher told us that the Psalms serve as protocol for the way to enter into God's presence. And He is will us always but there are times when we praise Him or when we are caught up in prayer to Him when we can feel His presence and when He shows His wonders.

The final lesson in the halal was to rejoice; rejoice like you have lost your mind when it seems like the battle is lost--your circumstance is greater than you. This act invites God to come and fight on your behalf. This act or faith and foolishness invites God to prove Himself, and in my experience He always has.

"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars." 2 Chronicles 16:9 He will show Himself strong:)

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matthew 22:39

This was interesting. God woke me up way early and I could just sense that there was something that He wanted to tell me so I asked, "What is it Lord?" "What do you want me to do?" Then He told me to love my neighbor as myself. This prompted me to pull up some online tools on the subject and to my surprise I found out that when Jesus was talking about it in Matthew 22:39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. What I found out by reading some commentaries is that it is understood in Jewish tradition that if you break one part of the law you are guilty of it all, and the part that I was ignorant of, when Jesus said 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. and then followed with "and the second is like it" <-- That Phrase Means It Is Equally As Great As The First. I always thought it meant that it was second in importance, but after reading the commentaries I understood differently. It is defined best in Greek as "corresponding to a thing" or the first thing mentioned.

The last thing I found and I remember reading in Extravagant Worship by Darlene Zschech is that there is no first and last law in the Jewish custom. They are all held the same so it is to be understood that these two mentioned are tied together with a cause and effect relationship. Out of loving God the way that you should you will love your neighbor as you are loved.

God was showing me more than that. He was showing that we should love everyone like He loves us. I was thinking impossible. Then I was thinking wow, that would actually make like a lot easier. He treats us with unconditional love. That's difficult to find. This lesson was so important I had to blog about it immediately.

Leia Mais…

Friday, January 23, 2009

Judges 6:14

The LORD turned to him and said, "You will rescue Israel from Midian with the strength you have. I am sending you."( Judges 6:14 God's Word Translation)

Wow, this message is real for so many of us. We are sent to do things that are impossible without the help of God. God is talking to Gideon. He is telling him to get up and lead Israel to victory even in his low estate. God calls him a mighty man of valour (courage). You see it does not matter who or what you think you are - especially if you don't think much of yourself - when you decide to go and do greater things than are possible for you in the name of the Lord. God stands and fights with you, and suddenly the impossible has now become possible.

And Israel means "soldier of God" and Midian means "strife". The purpose of the Midianites was to steal all the food and other good things from Israel. God does not desire His people to strive amongst each other or with unbelievers. He simply desires that we trust in Him with all of our heart and demonstrate our belief in Him through our words and actions.

This is the word for me this month. God is saying you may be weak, but I am infinitely strong so if you are going in the power of Jesus for the purpose of establishing God's ways. Nothing can stop you.

I am posting this video for the sake of the message that it does not matter what your circumstance is on this earth because you can be eternally great in Christ's kingdom coming.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1 John 3:17

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? (1 John 3:17)

This is my passion to help those that I am able to help now. It's really something else to have more than enough food and clothing and not to care about others that don't. Glory Power Ministries, a non-profit with a center in South Africa helps to feed and clothe orphans. They have given people the opportunity to help build a house for two sisters: Gloria and Marcia.

This is a picture of their current home:
I will be posting a picture of their new home. In just a little while. One nice young lady from Kentucky actually raised all the money needed to build Gloria and Marcia a new home, and it is currently being built. Praise the LORD!

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Genesis 11: 6 The Tower of Babel

I was thinking about the tower of Babel that the Lord destroyed and then I remembered this gift that all men have - imagination. The scripture says, "And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them." (Genesis 11:6)

This just made me think because I been hearing a lot of business mentors saying things like begin with the end in mind and focus only on what you want. But, from reading this verse I know now that it is true. "Imagination circles the world." - Albert Einstein

So each day I will focus on what I want to accomplish and what it will look like for me to have accomplished it.

Leia Mais…