So, today the Spirit led to to study Romans 8 and Revelations 8. As I was reading through these passages again, I saw Romans 8:6 needed further study. This is what I found.
for the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit -- life and peace;
(Romans 8:6, YLT)
φρονημα noun - nominative singular neuter
phronema fron'-ay-mah: (mental) inclination or purpose -- (be, be carnally, be spiritually) mind(-ed).
Can you see it? Is our purpose in whatever we do to feed ourselves or to be faithful to our loving God. Are we self-serving (fleshly-minded) or God-serving (Spiritually-minded). IT struck me how this Word had not done its perfect work in my life. There are so many places in which I am experiencing death, because my appetite is foremost. I have not even considered God or His will!
Oh, I was blind but now I see.
Monday, August 15, 2011
A Study of Romans 8:6
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Lessons on Tithing
The Tithe
The portion that you return to your Savior and High Priest.
I might have written about this sooner if I had remembered. I was discussing with my aunt a dream that God had given me. Although I do not remember the dream completely, I remember the lesson. I had just told my cousin who mentioned that she was struggling financially that she needed to tithe.
I had only just heard it from one of my mentors, and I decided to pass the good advice along. I was shocked to learn that only 20% of Christians actually tithe 10% of their income or more. My parents make it a habit to do so, and they definitely have more than enough.
I had been heeding the counsel of some as I received allowances and tax-free money from the government that I did not "need" to tithe. My aunt even told me, of some money I had recently received, that I did not need to correct my balance with God, just go forward in the future. I was convicted to make it right. But, what of this story that we are in the age of Grace?
Well my friends, I say that you can continue to suffer hardship in your ignorance or you can trust God to do what He says. Even more, in the next verse He speaks of rebuking "the devourer," meaning there is a being appointed to destroy all these good things we are accumulating with the Lord's tithe.
Malachi 3:10
Bring in all the tithe unto the treasure-house, And there is food in My house; When ye have tried Me, now, with this, Said Jehovah of Hosts, Do not I open to you the windows of heaven? Yea, I have emptied on you a blessing till there is no space. (YLT)
I always write from what the Holy Spirit teaches me and my personal experience. It has been two months that I have been careful to watch where my money is going and to give to the Lord what is His to bless the poor and needy. And I see my income increasing, just as God said.
Now, I remember what the Holy Spirit revealed that made me tremble. Jesus, the High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek gave the Jewish people the high priest model to reveal Himself to us. And now we have removed ourselves from it. But, this is one of the ways of God. We bring the tithe, and He blesses it, blesses us, and from it His family and work is sustained. So, when you are tempted to hold on to the tithe picture Jesus hungry, thirsty, and homeless and you ignoring Him.
Friday, July 15, 2011
John 12:32 - Deconstructed
Image by AlicePopkorn via Flickr
The more and more I learn, the more and more cautious I become of Bible teachers. I now realize that there were a lot of well-to-do, undereducated men in the church that I grew up attending. As I was studying the Scriptures this morning, I ran across another scripture that I was commonly taught to mean that when Jesus' name is glorified or magnified by the mouths of men, then He would draw all men unto Himself.
When I read the scripture, I went back through the chapter to be sure
I was understanding what the Spirit was saying. And the chains fell from my mind. Because now I know that the scripture following it and the what the Spirit of God was saying to me was the actual meaning. John 12:33 says "This he said signifying what death he should die."
John 12:32 speaks not only of Jesus being raised up from the earth and hung on a tree, but also His resurrection from the ground and His ascent into heaven. And truly because He was raised up from the earth and died the death that was determined from the Father He Will Draw All Men Unto Himself. Because He ascended into heaven, He sent His Spirit to continue His work.
Earlier in the chapter Jesus can be seen wrestling in His spirit about dying, but He says at last "Now, is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name."
Jesus will accomplish His will whether men choose to speak of Him or not. The times will go as He decreed, and when He comes this saying will be complete. All men will come to Him and serve Him, because He paid the price for it.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Two Views on Loving God with All Your Heart
Okay, I had to reblog this post from:
because, I was satisfied with the answer that I heard before that only the Spirit of Christ (Holy Spirit) can love God (the Father) perfectly. The exact quote was, "It takes God to love God." But, then I saw this today, and...
Here is a very important point, many will attempt to make metaphysical distinctions in the analysis of this required love, but the sum of it is that we are to love God with our whole being.
You love God with your HEART by loving Him will all of your emotions.
You love God with your Soul by loving Him will all of your the powers at your desposal.
You love God with your mind by using your BRAIN! Many co-called Christians seem to be “anti-intellectual” in their thinking.
So what does it mean to love God with your mind? It involves the pursuit of understanding God and His universe - whether it be in philosophy, theology, science, economics, law, politics or the arts. When Christians refuse to love God with their minds, they open the door for naturalistic humanists to dominate our education system and places of learning. Princeton University was founded on Christian principles and promoted the Christian worldview and ethic. Yet recently, its administrators hired Dr Peter Singer who not only endorses, but agressively pushes euthenasia and abortion (for children up to 2 years old!) And we wonder why, as Christians, we confront naturalism, humanism, Marxism and postmodernism when presenting the Gospel... How can we know what God's will is (let alone worship Him intelligently!) when we are not loving God with our mind? How can we expect the world to listen to us when our answers to the real problems of life are shallow, stupid or just plain wrong!?! God's word DOES have the answers, but we must devote our minds to discovering those answers. They will not always jump out at us!
I also was back and forth on where and how to share this song that just stays with you. I did not like one phrase in the lyrics, "You shall love me." I've even seen it altered when translated to other languages. But, when I saw this version with the poster of Mother Theresa and the little baby, it made sense.
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Deuteronomy 6:5
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Versions of the Bible - I'm a Total Sell Out!
I want to tell my journey of viewing the Bible as the sacred words of life to viewing it as a cryptic success manual. And the questions along the way like, "Why is it so hard to follow it?"
I can remember in previous years being obsessed with the words in red, Christ's words.
Now, I am obsessed with hearing all of it. It took me a decade or so to read the KJV Version in it's entirety aloud. There was something pressing my spirit to read for the walls and unclean spirits to hear.
I had never thought it was for myself until...
Dani Johnson said: Faith comes by hearing. HEARING!
She has a way of getting things across when others can't. I imagine she was referring to her audio testimonials, and all of her DVDs and audios available. But the message stuck.
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." -Romans 10:17
It's not just Dani who I've been listening to this year. I started this year all torn down after leaving an unhealthy relationship. And, I decided to only to listen to Christian leaders. Now, I am an entrepreneur, and I see success all around -- through new clandestine "techniques" for getting prospects to purchase your products and services. I would follow whoever was in the headlines and making marketing history at the moment.
And then, this year this sunk in...
"Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." -Psalm 1:1
Did I really believe this Bible that I claimed to live by?
The decision is now, to trust nothing and no one else.
I felt the loss of Jim Rohn last year, I was a late comer to his teachings, but I remember his testimony that he was a believer and his challenge to all believers to Study, PRACTICE, and Teach what they believe. It was remarkable for me to learn that two men that I really respected Les Brown and Henry Weinacker, also attributed some of their success to Mr. Jim Rohn.
So, I was seeking for ways to pull myself out of my emotional slump. I found Eric Thomas on YouTube. I had heard of Thank God It's Monday from two other marketers, not sure who came up with it first. Was it Scott Stratten? Was it Dave Navarro?
But, then one by one...those that attributed their success to the Bible started emerging. Dani Johnson, Les Brown, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar...
Now, I could never be certain of how much these people believed in the God of the Bible, but I could be certain that they believed and lived by biblical principles to succeed in life.
Zig Struck Me The Most.
He told this story of a secretary that had come to work for his company. The lady had nothing going for her. He said that she started listening to the Bible and listening to the teachings of the company. And she skyrocketed to the top of his sales force before leaving for a better job!
My mind flashed back to Dani Johnson bragging about having read the Bible six times and studying it. She was one of the many that claimed it to be the best success book ever written.
Even as the New Age Movement continues to deceive and silence the voices Christians that don't want to ruffle feathers...this truth remains:
Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
So isn't that a reason to listen to it? Isn't that a reason to listen to all of it?
But he answering said, 'It hath been written, Not upon bread alone doth man live, but upon every word coming forth from the mouth of God.' (Matthew 4:4)
So for the purely selfish motive of wanting the best that God has in life, and for wanting to be a light and leader through my actions. I've listened to many online bibles. My next step is to buy CDs of the ESV version of the Bible to listen more. For some reason, this purchase has eluded me for about three years. In the meantime, titles like The Bible Experience (TNIV) has tempted me, and my indecision has caused me not to purchase one. But, those in poverty think of one or the either, and those that live by heaven's principles think in terms of all (multiple Bibles):
Monday, April 11, 2011
24/7 Prayer
This is where I am. I read the Blueprint in it's entirety yesterday. And I am just hungry for more.
Come On! // Director's Cut from 24-7 Prayer on Vimeo.
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