So, yesterday I started the 40 day Soul Fast with Cindy Trimm, and I have to say I'm impressed that she is selling the solution and indirectly selling the tools to get better results. I got the app rather than the book and the physical journal (or is is electronic?).
The website is
Check it out. It's pretty cool how she's considering how people consume content today. So, she's offering the traditional book form and the e-book, it looks like. I just wanted to share this quote that was in the journal today cause it spoke to me.
“The way to be truly happy is to be truly human, and the way to be truly human is to be truly godly.” --J. J. Packer
Dr. Trimm is on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin from what I noticed. I'm not following her tweets or subscribed to her Facebook, but I just wanted to point out how she's aligning herself with new technology. It's exciting. And, I'm excited to be participating in the 40 Day Soul Fast.
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