Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catching The Train Of The End Time Army

The headless heavy armor was also another picture of modern church that required much to operate, like funding, building, programs, overhead, etc. They didn’t have the mobility for war. The end time church, however, would be free from those burdens, because it focused on manifesting Christ in us, the hope of glory!

Miller, Jean  (2012-06-19). Catching The Train Of The End Time Army (Kindle Locations 2811-2814).  . Kindle Edition.

Well, I heard someone say that the only way that every eye would be able to see Yeshua when He returns is because of modern technology. And, I could see how this connectedness is how the endtime church will rise and be mobilized the change the world.

These videos:
After sitting through the first video or faith training, I thought that the teaching was heretical, but I had always been fascinated by how New Age people were capable of producing astonishing results in their lives "miracles" so to speak while believers mostly lived defeated. And, the faith training explains it. So, I am sitting with the teachings and asking the Father to show me more. I can see by one comment on the first video that the "Christians" have already come out to throw stones.  

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Ah, so, I am writing this to give a review of Jean's book which I just finished more than anything else, so let me move forward with that.

I saw Jean crushed and pass from death to life again at least three times in the book. Reading her personal account of walking with the Lord is astonishing. You want to go deeper, and, yet, you are not sure if you are ready to pay the cost.

"If we suffer, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he will also deny us."  -2 Timothy 2:12


  • It is impossible to read the book without getting caught up in Jean's visions and walk with Christ. It reads like one of the best fantasy novels, especially towards the end and fills one with hope.
  • Jean offer the truth about the current state of the church in America, complete with fearful, controlling leadership and apathy, disdain or denial of the supernatural.
  • Reading the book encourages one to dive deeper into the Love of God with all of one's being and to truly entrust Him with one's life.
  • This book does not read like a textbook; it's very auto-biographical in nature, and, in that way, entertaining instead of boring--it still manages to challenge the basic Christian on what they believe is possible and expected of them.
  • The book is an invitation to join Jean on her journey to living in the fullness of Christ. The testimonies from the people at the end were a welcomed surprised that warmed my heart and confirmed my sense that Jean was a genuine and loving teacher.
  • The grammar and spelling is atrocious at times. 
  • It is sometime difficult to follow the story line because the book jumps from narration to stream of conscious.
I have often felt sorry that I could not connect with the authors of great Christian works after reading their books, such as Cindy Trimm. Jean Miller makes herself accessible to those that want to go deeper in the Lord. I'll follow any leader that washes her disciple's feet the way that Jean does.


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