Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-8

I was given the opportunity to compare these two passages for a class I'm taking on Second Language Acquisition. I was amazed. I think I made a post earlier about the Tower of Babel and why God chose to scatter the people and confuse their speech. It seems even more interesting that He gave His Holy Spirit to make the people one again.

The Holy Spirit is important in the sense that He brings unity and common understanding of who Jesus is to the body of Christ.

I cannot explain the feeling of awe that overcame me when I was presented with the two passages side by side. God is amazing.

I have meditated on that passage a lot about the Tower of Babel. I have to say, I thought that the diversity of language could only be punishment for the evil thoughts of man. I have often thought of how although we are one people in reality, we can still think of others as “other” or “not a part of us” because of language or appearance. These thoughts create disunity. I think of the statement Jesus made in Mark 3:24, “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” As long as all humanity continues warring because of differences we cannot build a better world together.


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