Sunday, December 30, 2012

James 2:17 - Bible Study

James 2:17 - What Does It Mean?

I had forgotten that I had written about this verse before. That was a good study about activating faith or bringing it to life by acting on it.

Today the Holy Spirit showed me something else about this verse. I suppose it's just further explanation of what was poorly interpreted. (Or perhaps a well-to-do translator added on to it to make it fit their worldview).

So, there are two miracles where Yeshua (Jesus) multiplies loaves of bread and fish, and the Holy Spirit showed me that He thanked the Father and went straight to the motion of handing out the fish. He did not wait until He saw the fish multiply. He believed, and as He set forth to do what He believed God had provided for, the fish and bread multiplied.

FAITH - the evidence of things unseen.

If a person believes that he has what he's asked for, then he will be grateful to the father and then put other things in motion that depend on that thing being done.

For example, you have asked God to provide for a missions trip. You do not see everything in place, but you have asked in faith and believe it is done. So, would a person of faith wait until all the funds arrived and all the paperwork was finished to go? Or would a person of faith realize that God knew you needed His help before you asked, and just complete all the details concerning the trip right up until the day.

I heard Cathy Lechner tell a story about the Holy Spirit telling her to take a trip to a particular place and that the trip was paid for. She went to the airport without a ticket and gave them her name for the reservation to find that an "angel" had gone before her and paid for everything.

Yeshua (Jesus) gave the example. He even said he was praying aloud for the crowd's sake when he was about to raise Lazarus from death. If Cathy did not go to the airport, her faith would have been dead before the miracle showed up. And, so it is with you. When you pray and really believe that God has done what you asked "like He promised to do," then you will be full of thanksgiving and move on with the other actions that you can do.

Noah had faith that God was talking to him, and built a boat in the midst of laughter and scorn.
Peter walked on water because he had the faith to step out of the boat.

It would seem that faith or all the miracles we are looking for lay stillborn (dead) in the spirit realm, and we bring them to life when we believe with the eyes of our heart (faith in unseen) rather than our physical eyes (faith in the seen). Circumstances (creation) are always subject to the Creator (and He lives in you). How then can you fear and doubt if you really believe this?

 Let's look at a direct translation... that's interesting... there's one unintelligible word in there, but the rest is pretty plain.

"so also faith, if not dead, is he echi work itself throughout"

Faith does not stop. Faith is alive when it is in motion. When something stops it is dead.

I think that is basic difference between things that are alive and things that are dead. Live things move. Dead things cannot. Faith continues working itself out into reality, and without that effort to birth the thing from the invisible womb of creation it will die.

In short, those with real faith see a thing as done and complete before they ask and do not wait for the circumstances to change in order to believe and take action on what they requested.

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Go Light Your World - Cindy Trimm (Reblog)

Cover of "The King of Kings - Criterion C...
Cover via Amazon

Light your world

When the Son of God entered the world scene, like the first rays of light piercing the darkness as they explode each morning over the horizon, a new era of hope, peace, joy, love, and abundant life dawned for humanity. Jesus announced the end of Satan's tyranny and the beginning of divine empowerment for all who submitted to His Lordship

With the birth of Christ came a new world order. The Prince of Peace came to declare peace between God and mankind, and as a result, within the heart of each individual person. "God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7 NLT)--and as He lives in you. 

As you celebrate the birth of Emmanuel--"God-With-Us"--don't forget to celebrate God-Within-You as well. The birth of Christ within you is the greatest hope the world has today of seeing God's glory. Break forth on your own world scene and declare peace. So let your light shine before others as you decree, "Let there be light!!" for "the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!" (Isaiah 60:1). As God's image-bearer, enforce a new order in your world. 

As you celebrate the King of kings reigning among and within the people of the earth, remember it is only as you fix your mind on His goodness, faithfulness, and love that He will establish and keep you in His perfect peace. (See Isaiah 26:3.) Peace in the world begins with peace in the heart. You have the power to light up your home by lighting up your own heart! 

Rejoice! "Again I say, Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4). "The light has come!" (John 3:19). "Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). With the birth of Christ, comes a celebration of putting away the former things and being mindful and expectant of the better things yet to come! It is a time to celebrate hope and new life. It is the season of new beginnings! It is the Season of Light! 

As you reflect over the past year, thank God for His peace and His glory at work in you--and as you look toward the year ahead, ask Him to increase your capacity to manifest that peace and glory in your family, workplace, and community.
Go on, light up your world! 

--Cindy Trimm

Enhanced by Zemanta

Leia Mais…

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Billy Graham Does Social Media Promotion

Billy Graham Does Social Media Promotion Through Google's Content Network

I could hardly believe it! There I was watching a stupid Kevjuma video when I saw this content add next to it telling me to "Take a STAND with BILLY GRAHAM."

Being a marketer, I was like, "Surely people know that signing some petition saying that you have hope for America is pointless.

Then, I thought THIS IS GENIUS LIST BUILDING. You tap into people's nature of rallying behind a cause when emotions are high about certain states seceding from the union.

I know Billy Graham is not directly behind this. It's his brilliant team of marketers, but look at that. They want your name, email and mailing address, so they can hit you up for their future marketing campaigns. I was only compelled to push the button because I wish I had though of it first. Just kidding, that's not my M.O.; I teach. I inspire, and I lead the way.

If you want to hop on his campaign to save America go here and enter your information:

If you just want to learn how to create ridiculously good marketing campaigns like Billy Graham's company. Go here and enter your information:

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Matthew 6:33 - Bible Study

I felt pressed by the Holy Spirit this morning to study this scripture for Matthew 6:33. What I'm finding is that we think that we have the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus), but a lot of it has been intentionally changed to keep the majority in darkness. 

It is very likely that Matthew 6:33 is one of those scriptures. But, more importantly, from today, I'm beginning to think that any Bible or Bible commentary that you might find will still fall short if you do not know the original languages.

At first, I did not find anything interesting. I could not find anything in the Hebrew and Greek Lexicon. I couldn't even find the resource page I used to access all the time from; thank you Google. But, then I visited and I tried the Google translator tool since no translation was offered on the second website. The results are very interesting...

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament: not therefore be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be added these (things) and all and His righteousness of God the kingdom all these things require you.
Direct Greek Translation: and first seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things were added unto you (Oddly enough, there were no alternate translations for "were added").

Was it an error in translation, as is common with the Google translator tool, or has something been lost in translation or intentionally changed by translators? I'm having trouble deciding. Do your study Bibles ever question the translations? In your daily devotional, you should.

Because the second translation is more exciting I wanted so share it. In light of who God is, the current faith training I have been going through, I believe that the translators must have thought that they needed to correct the tense in the sentence. But, they lost the original meaning. 

Don't toil. Lilies don't toil. God has taken care of everything that you need already. He cares more for you than flowers.  

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Primary Purpose of God - Faith Training

However, The Son of Man shall come, and will he then find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8b

I found too many instances of overlap when I was watching the Fullness of Christ faith training and Graham Cooke's interview with Patricia King. Graham said, "Everything is about relationship because God is making you in His image. There are no accidents; everything's planned for that precise purpose." And, what I see is how the Fullness of Christ faith training is taking the randomness of becoming more like God out of the process. 

Graham spoke of God saying that He would show him His kindness and another time His peace. And, in the faith training we choose to pursue and experience God's nature, be love, joy, peace, patience, self-control, etc. I see this as a beautiful step closer to going deeper in relationship with God--to really see Him.


Connect with Jean Miller on Facebook

He shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
-Psalm 1:3 

I understand that the natural mirrors the spiritual world. I understand that everything starts as seed. And, yet, I still have been pressing more for the impossible nature of God, the miraculous, when it comes to, well every thing I can imagine.

And, not only this. I have been comparing my personal progress to that of Jean Miller. But, she operates at such a baffling level of faith because she is more in union with God. And, she stands solidly on this one truth: God Is Good. She does not accuse Him of being anything that He isn't when she does not immediately see the fruit she desires, and she recognizes and accepts the process of death to germination to sprout to fruit.

She's compared looking at our life's circumstances, which we have faith to turn around, like looking at a baby in a womb or a house under construction. IT LOOKS MESSY! And, sometimes to build our faith, God, in His infinite goodness, allows for things to get worse, much worse, so that we experience the fullness of overcoming.

When things look messy, there is the tendency to abort. There is the tendency to abandon the mission of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. We even forget that God is always with us and for us. But, with the realization that it is perfectly normal to experience the extreme opposite in order to enjoy the fullness of God's nature, we can remain in peace.

Here is an entry from my journal yesterday:
In reality, I was behaving like a farmer who had planted seed and went daily to the field looking for the fruit and mid-season became angry because it was not the time of the fruit. And, I cursed the fruit, shook my fist at God, calling Him unfair, unloving, and then, left the field and all the fruit to perish. 

Leia Mais…

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prophecy Today: 3 Minute Prophecy Training - Prophecy Activation

I'm excited about this prophecy training update that Jean Miller just made. 

This is for the training and equipping of the body of Christ. In about three minutes you can learn how to see and hear in the Spirit. You were born with the ability to hear from God an communicate with God, but you may not have been aware of it. So, this is more like an activation of your senses that you have not been using.

After you watch this prophecy training and learn how to exercise your spiritual senses, you will find it easy to train others. We are setting the Gospel free. God has declared the knowledge of Him to be free for all. It's free in all other places of creation except for with televangelists that need to fund a kingdom (not God' Kingdom).

“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."

This training is a part of the Fullness of Christ Discipleship, and organization dedicated to training every believer to do everything that Christ did and more. Trainings like this are conducted weekly over Skype. All are welcome to join, practice, and spread the teachings as they desire. Manuals (and practice assignments) are available for each of the trainings.

You can request to be added to the Facebook group here: the Fullness of Christ Discipleship Group

While do research for this article, I ran across this - The Prophecy Club
Final Warning: History of the New World Order

Link to the Prophecy Club Website -

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adam Young - Owl City - Galaxies

adam young
Look up Adam Young

Thank God for insomnia!

If Adam Young didn't have a major case of insomnia, perhaps this song would never have been made.
I can't think of a better way of spreading the "Good News" or a better example of world missions today.

Galaxies by Owl City

Call back the cap-com,
Tick off the time-bomb,
Let felicity fly!
Armour the airlock,
Blanket the bedrock,
And kiss the planet goodbye!

Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
Dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.

Fight back the flight deck,
Bring on the breakneck,
Cue the solar eclipse!
Summit the sunset,
Dubtail the dragnet,
And blow your backbone to bits!

Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
Dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.

Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.

For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies!
He is the saving grace of the Galaxies!

Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
(Went dark)
Dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.

I would follow this far.
(Galaxies, galaxies, through the galaxies, through the galaxies)

I know he does collaborations with Reliant K, but honestly, he outshines them. (Sorry Reliant K fans).
I secretly think that he knows something about the Jewish feasts being dress rehearsals for God dealing with Creation on Earth (end time prophecy). Only those ignorant of the times will be caught by surprise when Jesus returns.

If you have nooo idea what I'm talking about, see these article and charts:
Linking the Feasts of the Lord with Eclipses 
Link to Mark Blitz teaching about the Feasts
Charts of Solar and Lunar Eclipses with Biblical Prophecy
A Summary of the Article about the Eclipses
Further Explanation of The Day of the Lord and "I come as a thief in the night."

Adam Young's song "Fireflies" went quadruple platinum. That gave him quite a platform and funding to create his art.

This sort of reminds of Kanye's last cry, "Jesus Walks," before he plunged headlong into the wicked side of the music industry.

The music industry can be a dark and harrowing place for an artist. I hope he keeps his faith in his Creator and continues to make songs that are the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

Pray for this brother.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 11, 2012

the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers & December 2012 Prophecies

And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,-Ephesians 4:11
Okay, I  have to share two things: I just listened to this dude, Kris Vallotton talking about apostles. He was calling people on their junk man! He was like, "Apostles reform culture; it doesn't matter if you have a bunch of churches under you, if you are not seeing culture molded by your influence, you're not an apostle." That's a loose paraphrase. And, I was just like, Yes! Preach it man!

And, I'd like you to meet my new dad Rock Mcilvain. I say dad because, obviously, I already have a dad, but Rock treats me the way I wish my dad did, and he's brave and focused on advancing the Kingdom of God. Actually, the genuine love the the Heaven Father which he's shown me has revived me. I was in a little bit of a funk for about two weeks. Prayer, words of encouragement, etc. did not help. But, for some reason, Rock telling the Fullness of Christ Group on a Skype call that he loves us made feel better.

Love Heals

Besides Rock going to the Dominican Republic and Haiti and releasing the Kingdom of God down there, healing hundreds with his small team and translator, Victor Rodriguez, the soul of it remains -- compassion. What is the Kingdom of God about? What is World Missions about? The love of the Father God.

Hayward Lee Hurst
Hayward Lee Hurst

Today, an announcement was made. A young man named Hayward Lee Hurst was ordained as the group's official prophet/seer because he had a heavenly visitation and now sees deeply into the spirit realm, so he can give very accurate prophetic words to people. It usually takes years for a person to get to his level of accuracy, but this is his calling.

There are two responses that a person usually has to someone like Hayward. Mine was a bit of aversion because people like him can see the good, the bad and the ugly about you. And, the other response was like Jean Miller, which was asking him a barrage of questions because you know that he can answer them with ease. Basically, psychics have nothing on him.

Hmmm...I'm wondering if I covered everything. I'm a trainer with the Fullness of Christ Discipleship group, and I can truly see that Jean Miller is an apostle. We're going to transform cities in Nigeria in February, and cities in the country of Israel will follow.

Just to make a few funny comparisons: Jean Miller is like Jean Grey with her ability to transform the mind and reality; Rock Mcilvain is like Wolverine in strength and ferocity with the ability to heal (except in this case, it's not just himself); and Hayward is like...Professor X, except he's not so serious. I felt like he must have been reading my mail from the last five years when he told me about myself.

The Prophecy of the Last Pope

Oh, I also saw another interesting video about the last Pope today. Most of it didn't really interest me because I have been reading about how certain Feasts of the Lord (which some call Jewish Holidays) coincide with solar and lunar eclipse patterns which were intended to inform us of what God is up to.

But...the part that did interest me was the commentary at around (29:00-31:33) about the Mayan calendar, and a prophecy by Jonathan Edwards which just happens to coincide with the year predicted for the return of Christ in this post - End Time Prophecy: When is Christ Returning?

  • The Mayans believed that on December 21, 2012 their Kukulcan, a dragon with the power of air, would return.
  • The Aztec believed in 2012 their flying dragon god, Quetzalcoatl, would return.
  • The Cherokee indians' calendar ends in 2012 with the return of their flying rattlesnake god.

Could it be that on December 21, 2012, when everyone thinks the world is going to end, Satan is going to be released from the pit where he has been bound?

Revelations 20:2-3 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.


Leia Mais…

Monday, September 17, 2012

End Time Prophecy: When is Christ Returning?


I have to say, this Rosh Hashanah was eventful. I observed it for the first time with the prayers and explanation of the food and everything with the Fullness of Christ Discipleship group. And, immediately after the group founder, Jean Miller, shared the link to this video outlining the prophecy in the book of Daniel and the exact 48 hour period and year to look for Christ's return.

She said that we might not want to watch it, but I feel like we have come to this blessed day to know when to look for His coming. I would love to expound on the topic more, but I'll just let you watch the video.

People hate it. But, prophecy is not to become angry over, it is to observe. I have printed out many prophecies of judgement on America and different earthquakes that were to happen and stuff, and I simply waited. If God has spoken it, it will be. Prophets just echo the I AM.

I won't add anything except. It seems that the pre-tribulation rapture theology is totally debunked in this video. And, the theology taught at International House of Prayer, Kansas City is true though challenging.

IHOP-KC - Overview of the End Times


Because of YHVH's revelation of the menorah this year as part of the mystery of the creation and a revelation of His dealings with mankind, I feel I must share this. Today I was reminded that the the time of Christ's millennial reign: "The [time of] receiving the reward is essentially in the seventh millennium, as is stated in Likkutei Torah of the AriZal (Rabbi Isaac Luria, of blessed memory), whereas the period until then constitutes the fulfillment of the world's purpose." 

Following the Bible, if the time of mankind's creation was approximately 6000 years ago, we are in the final age before HIS return. The last millenium before the Sabbath millennial reign of Christ. If you have no idea what the Sabbath means, please do yourself a favor and study how it was built into our calendar in Genesis.


Yes, popular Jewish culture/context teacher Mark Biltz taught that Rosh Hashanah was called "the feast when no man knows the day or the hour," there are the verses:

For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
 - 1 Thessalonians 4:16, ESV

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. - 1 Corinthians 15:52, KJV

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.”
 - Revelation 11:15, ESV

Remember the full title of the final book in the canon is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." " must not forget this one thing, dear friends: "A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day." - 2 Peter 3:8, NLT

We are in the 6th day or age of man, and we know to look for Messiah on Rosh Hashanah, but we are not quite sure exactly what year it is, but the stars tell us because they were given for signs...

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years," - Genesis 1:14, ESV

“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken." - Luke 21:25-26, ESV

HOW MANY BLOOD MOONS WERE THERE LAST YEAR? If you think having that many in one years time, occurring during the feasts of the LORD (aka Jewish holidays), is normal, do some research. 

The word lampstand in Revelation 1:12 translates to menorah. The temple menorah given in Exodus 25:31-32, ESV, has 7 total stands for candles.

The Golden Lampstand
31 “You shall make a lampstand of pure gold. The lampstand shall be made of hammered work: its base, its stem, its cups, its calyxes, and its flowers shall be of one piece with it. 32 And there shall be six branches going out of its sides, three branches of the lampstand out of one side of it and three branches of the lampstand out of the other side of it;

I saw a depiction of a priest hold a similar lampstand with his face all full of glory when I went looking for an image. I navigated to the page. The image was not displayed, and it was missing from the search results when I went back to the results page...and now that I wasted 30 minutes or so trying to locate it elsewhere, let me finish this:

Yahshua (your Jesus) said, "I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:3)" and "no man knows the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36)" of his return, but with an understanding of Jewish weddings where the bridegroom leaves to prepare a place for his bride in his father's house after he is betrothed and his father deciding when it is ready for the bride, we can understand this riddle.

We are given a time to look for him a wise virgin with oil watching for the sighting of the moon for Rosh Hashanah (which can be a 48 hour window) "the feast where no man knows the day or the hour" is indeed the time of year for the Bridgegrooms return, but on which Rosh Hashanah He will return, we must keep reading, watching and learn.


Leia Mais…

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Overcome Evil With Good (Reblog)

Eleven years ago today, two kingdoms clashed that brought down the World Trade Center and shook the world. In a matter of minutes, more lives were lost on American soil as a result of that singular momentous clash than ever before.

As we remember what may have been the darkest day in U.S. history, let's not forget what we risk as the kingdoms of dark and light clash in our daily lives.

In moments when selfish motives overcome loving ones, we might not seeskyscrapers crumble to the ground in a ball of flames, but life has been lost. Lights have been dimmed. Lines have been moved giving territory to the wicked.

There is a battle that continually rages in our workplaces, schools, communities, and homes--in government halls, financial centers, media channels, and neighborhood streets.

We are all called to hold the line and fight the good fight. Young and old, male and female, rich and poor, high and low, wherever you find yourself, there you are on the front line.

Today, as we remember those who have fallen at the hands of dark forces, pray for God's love to overcome. Pray for goodness, mercy, light, and love to prevail. Pray for grace to abound.

There is no force more powerful on the face of the earth than prayer.

We can do more than hold the line--we can advance the Kingdom and take back whatever territory has been stolen. Join with me today in declaring, "Let there be light"--and move out today in God's love.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

-Cindy Trimm

Leia Mais…

Monday, July 30, 2012

Standing with Billy Graham & Mike Huckabee in their support of Chick-fil-A's founding family

I just got this article from Billy Graham in an email forward. I suppose I could have forwarded it, but I didn't because I figured it would be just as effective to blog about it and ping different social networks with the link.

Bily Graham
Billy Graham 1994.

The big difficulty is that not all Christian denominations agree on defending heterosexual marriage. And, I am not sure how important this issue is to our country's future.

I do remember reading one of my student's essays, and his statement that all societies or empires that have legalized same-sex marriage have fallen. I do not know about the validity of his research though. I also do not have national loyalties; I am for the Christian church. I am certain that I would be fine if America fell.

Apart from that, I am not certain what the leaders of IHOP-KC or Billy Graham are asking us to do on August 1st. Will there be some sort of demonstration? Are they going to have some sort of televised message that we are to tune into? Are we all to go out and buy food from Chick-fil-A on the 1st of August?

Link to original article:

All of those questions remained unanswered after I read the forwarded email which featured the article from almost verbatim.

From the leadership of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City and TheCall:

We are sending the following email to several hundred thousand believers on our databases, calling them to stand with Billy Graham and Mike Huckabee in their support of the leadership family of Chick-fil-A in standing up for God's view of marriage.

We encourage all Bible-believing ministries and believers to forward Billy Graham's message below to as many as possible, calling them to join Billy Graham and Mike Huckabee on Wednesday, August 1.
Actually, after reading the article on Billy Graham's website more carefully, I see that the message was clipped in the forwarded email. This last statement was left out from the email from IHOP-KC: "As the son of a dairy farmer who milked many a cow, I plan to "Eat Mor Chikin" and show my support by visiting Chick-fil-A next Wednesday."

I find the fact that this last line was left out most interesting because it seems to be the most important. I suppose the IHOP-KC leaders wanted us to pray for Chick-fil-A, Billy Graham and Mike Huckabee as prayer is their m.o.

But, in all seriousness, I tend to stay out of political matters for because of this. I see huge and powerful marketing machines behind a lot of "Christian" ministries.

And, this is a delicious marketing ploy.

Let me qualify that statement. I was so excited about the LivingWater's publication's anti-abortion movie until I started receiving daily advertisements for books, etc.

I do believe in unity or moving as one, and I may buy some Chick-fil-A on August 1st if their sales have somehow suffered because of taking a stance completely opposite to Obama's.  But, I, of course, will remain wary of Christians that war more in the physical realm than in the spiritual realm for change.

Leia Mais…

Friday, July 20, 2012

Do We Have Free Will?

You can thank Jean Miller for giving this revelation.

I was sitting in one of her Skype faith trainings, and someone was talking about a topic of how to they get rid of the feeling that they can't do something, and I was telling them that I learned from Prophetess Ida Diego to command my spirit, mind and body to line of with the law of life in Christ.

And, then one of the guys in the training told me that the famous evangelist Smith Wigglesworth used to begin everyday by telling himself what attitude to have. "I am happy...etc." Of course, I was a little bit surprised, but I know that the body just falls into comfortable patterns, and feelings/emotions are easily influenced by outside forces.

But, we are little creators. We are creating our world. We have free will. We have the freedom to choose our attitude. We have the freedom to choose who and what to love, and we have the freedom to remain in sin, doubt and despair or to choose salvation, faith and hope.

And, I want to say again that I was boggled by this mystery of why it seemed that the ungodly enjoyed all the blessings of God that the righteous enjoy. The thing is God rains on the just and on the unjust. He gave the same laws or rules for everyone to enjoy life. And, those that choose Him above all enjoy life everlasting.

Solomon mused about this, and I think that one of Job's friends or Job had the same question, but the answer is simple. There are laws that God made that govern the universe. We are little creators, creating our realities through our thoughts, actions and practiced ways of being.

Those that live in gratitude experience bounty. Those that are ungrateful continue to lose more and more. Those "saved" and unsaved have the same sort of experiences based on which attitudes they CHOOSE. So, every day we can choose life and abundance life by living in the Kingdom of God (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, etc.) And, forgiving every single wrong that is done against us (God really). Or, we can live in dark places and experience an abundance of suffering in this age and the next.

We are taught to meditate on things that are pure, lovely, reputable (Philippians 4:8). Why? We are taught to forgive everyone that sins against us seventy time seven times in Matthew 18:22 (really, infinitely). Why? Because when you practice THE WAY of life, the ways of the Kingdom of God, it will be well with you.

Oh, and Fear Not. Do not fear. Do not be afraid. Do not entertain the spirit of fear. It will keep you from entering the Kingdom of God. Remember, in Revelation 21:8, the fearful and unbelieving are cast into the lake of fire. The servant fearful to lose his master's money in the parable of the talents was cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30).

God sees fear as sin.

He sees being fearful as wickedness and "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:9)?

So, command your spirit and in time you will gain mastery over your soul (Luke 21:19).

It is worth it to resist the devil and everything unlike Christ. It is worth it now and in the age to come. Choose Life. Follow the Way of the Lord that you might take possession of what God has given you in His Kingdom. Be strong and very courageous. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will direct you. Do not rely on your own reasoning. Do not try to figure out why Yeshua commands you to do something. Do it, and you will know.

I bless you to know the truth and be free. If you would like to learn the process through which we create our realities (being made in the image of the Creator) join the Fullness of Christ Discipleship Group directed by Jean Miller. The Kingdom of God is only entered by force (Matthew 11:22)!

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Luke 6:23 | Matthew 5:12

rejoice in that day, and leap, for lo, your reward is great in the heaven, for according to these things were their fathers doing to the prophets. (Luke 6:23, YLT)

rejoice ye and be glad, because your reward is great in the heavens, for thus did they persecute the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:12, YLT)

This is something the Holy Spirit brought to my attention a few days ago. We are always thinking about heaven in the sense of someplace that we will go and live with Yeshua after we die or after He returns, and so we have this understanding of these verses that Yeshua preached as a means to get a reward later.


The Holy Spirit was showing me that God does not delay rewards. He's just that good. We are rewarded now; we are rewarded later. And, this idea that we have of heaven is a little skewed. Heaven or "the heavens" are the source of everything on earth.

The Lord opens the windows of heaven and pours us out blessings (Malachi 3:10). When does He do this? NOW. He doesn't pour us out blessings in heaven and give not rewards to us now. If Yeshua could say "the workman is worth of his wages in one instance, do you think He would then withhold reward or compensation in another instance (Luke 10:7)?

I have a very big misconception of God and heaven for the longest time! But, going to a few of Dani Johnson's seminars and being told over and over that "you reap what you sow, always." Things became clearer. Entering the Kingdom of God is a thing that is done in the spirit when the truth comes to someone and that person walks in it. The Truth is the Way of Life. Yeshua is the Way, the Life and the Truth. He showed us how to live in the Kingdom of God on earth so that we might have abundant life!

It's so good it gives me chills!

This is FREEDOM, knowing that whatever happens, you are rewarded here and in the age to come because heaven is bigger than earth. The One that lives in you is more powerful than anything on earth. This is why you can rejoice and be exceeding glad because you know that its all good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rise to the Challenge! (Reblog)

Cindy Trimm wrote:

Last week I challenged you to make a daily declaration. I hope you've taken me up on that challenge! This week I want to continue to encourage you to take deliberate action toward creating the life of your dreams. 

If you missed the opportunity, or neglected to act on it, do it now...take the challenge to daily declare how you intend your life and circumstances to look. Here is the free download gain for easy access.

Something as simple as speaking out what you would like to see come to pass creates an expectation - and that expectation will change your mindset, your attitude, and even the atmosphere around you. 

Not only is there power in the words you speak, but the mindset that results! Employ the power of your words to harness the power of your thoughts. Discipline your mind. Be "mind-full" of where it is you're hoping to go. 

To change your life, sometimes all you need to do is change your perspective. Do you see yourself as a victim or a victor? Think like a victor! Think for a change! 

For the next thirty days, declare out loud every detail about how your ideal life should look. Let me know this time next month what has changed about your life as a result. I believe this is the one thing you can do that will change everything! 

If you haven't already, get a hold of my book Commanding Your Morning. It will help you grow in the knowledge you need to fully embrace and activate these transformational principles.
Rise to the challenge! 

Make the most of every day to maximize your divine potential to create positive change. 

Ephesians 5:14-17 AMP: "Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light. Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is."

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catching The Train Of The End Time Army

The headless heavy armor was also another picture of modern church that required much to operate, like funding, building, programs, overhead, etc. They didn’t have the mobility for war. The end time church, however, would be free from those burdens, because it focused on manifesting Christ in us, the hope of glory!

Miller, Jean  (2012-06-19). Catching The Train Of The End Time Army (Kindle Locations 2811-2814).  . Kindle Edition.

Well, I heard someone say that the only way that every eye would be able to see Yeshua when He returns is because of modern technology. And, I could see how this connectedness is how the endtime church will rise and be mobilized the change the world.

These videos:
After sitting through the first video or faith training, I thought that the teaching was heretical, but I had always been fascinated by how New Age people were capable of producing astonishing results in their lives "miracles" so to speak while believers mostly lived defeated. And, the faith training explains it. So, I am sitting with the teachings and asking the Father to show me more. I can see by one comment on the first video that the "Christians" have already come out to throw stones.  

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Ah, so, I am writing this to give a review of Jean's book which I just finished more than anything else, so let me move forward with that.

I saw Jean crushed and pass from death to life again at least three times in the book. Reading her personal account of walking with the Lord is astonishing. You want to go deeper, and, yet, you are not sure if you are ready to pay the cost.

"If we suffer, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he will also deny us."  -2 Timothy 2:12


  • It is impossible to read the book without getting caught up in Jean's visions and walk with Christ. It reads like one of the best fantasy novels, especially towards the end and fills one with hope.
  • Jean offer the truth about the current state of the church in America, complete with fearful, controlling leadership and apathy, disdain or denial of the supernatural.
  • Reading the book encourages one to dive deeper into the Love of God with all of one's being and to truly entrust Him with one's life.
  • This book does not read like a textbook; it's very auto-biographical in nature, and, in that way, entertaining instead of boring--it still manages to challenge the basic Christian on what they believe is possible and expected of them.
  • The book is an invitation to join Jean on her journey to living in the fullness of Christ. The testimonies from the people at the end were a welcomed surprised that warmed my heart and confirmed my sense that Jean was a genuine and loving teacher.
  • The grammar and spelling is atrocious at times. 
  • It is sometime difficult to follow the story line because the book jumps from narration to stream of conscious.
I have often felt sorry that I could not connect with the authors of great Christian works after reading their books, such as Cindy Trimm. Jean Miller makes herself accessible to those that want to go deeper in the Lord. I'll follow any leader that washes her disciple's feet the way that Jean does.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Believe

JEAN's NEW BOOK will bring light to darkened understanding.
 Jesus said to them, "Don't your Scriptures say, 'I said, "You are gods" '? -John 10:34 

It is my conviction, as God's church (body), we have always been smarter, faster and wiser than the world. But, God has chosen now to reveal the message of who we are. We are coming into an age of sonship. We are recognizing what it truly means to be a both kings and priests. We reconcile others to God like priests, and we command His will like kings. And, now, we can move in oneness like the Father and Yeshua (Jesus).

I just came off of a call with Jean Miller. And, oddly enough, I had just connected with her on the same day. Of course, she is just the person I needed to meet to complete the picture of why all the things that witches and those that are enemies of God manifest. They understand the laws of God (the laws that He set in place to govern the universe) better than most Christians do. So, they manifest what they want, but they live for this age, but we live for the age to come in eternity. Why God's people perish because a lack of knowledge.

Jean on Prayer

It is amazing the amount of material she covered in one session. But, basically, I will give you a summary, and you can contact her to join the group if you want the meat and potatoes. So, if you're wondering how to get prayers answered. The answer is to pray like Jesus prayed, doubting nothing, with full assurance that it is already done or provided by the Father.

I'm so happy that one of the students had the guts to ask, but how does one get rid of fear if they are fearful when asking. And, the answer was "renewing your mind," revisiting the Scriptures, and realizing that we are gods. We have been given all good things. God cannot lie, and there so many promises communicating that all we have to do is ask and believe. 

All of out problems stem from an identity crisis.

When we really believe that we have all things because Jesus lives in us. Then, we say I am the cure (salt of the earth). I am the solution. I am light, joy, peace, patience. I am because I and the Father are one. He came down to make that a reality. And, the father of lies created religious tradition and religious teachings to separate us from the true gospel of the kingdom.
You get your prayers answered when praying in thanksgiving because you know that you already have before you ask because your Father already prepared all good things for you. And, He knew that you would request whatever it is.

 Jean on Belief

Jean's vision and calling is training and equipping the endtime army to walk in the fullness of Christ, to do greater things than He did. And, she very clearly lined out that this process of belief begins with knowing who you are. And, understanding how we create our circumstances from an alignment of belief-thought-action.

So, if you are wondering how to have more faith or how to get healed. Be faith. Be healed. You can only be these things when you acknowledge God in you, what he did for you. Acknowledge the kingdom of heaven. Acknowledge that you have already overcome and are seated in heavenly places. 

Seek the kingdom of God (be one with God by accepting his love, joy, peace, patience), and these things that you chased like healing or earth shattering faith will be. The earth, we really do have dominion over it again because Jesus took back dominion. And, because of that, nothing is impossible.

Law of Attraction, Biblical?

So, like I was hinting at before, I was really struggling with how these "New Age" people can manifest their desires apart from God. And, the answer is simply that everyone manifests what's in their hearts. It is written as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Guard you heart(mind) because from it flow the issues of life.

When I see that word issues. I always think of rivers--the very essence of life....I have to look it up.

Okay,  'for out of it are the issues' translates to
towtsa'ah  (to-tsaw-aw')
(only in plural collective) exit, i.e. (geographical) boundary, or (figuratively) deliverance, (actively) source -- border(-s), going(-s) forth (out), issues, outgoings.

That expanded definition helped me. I hope it helped you. So, 'the Secret' is not necessarily "New Age," but the danger in it is what I see with my brother. He bows to this "Law of Attraction" instead of God. The most important lesson is accepting that you have all things; with that acceptance you cannot chase these temporal pleasures in the world because you understand 'You are.'

Paul Martinelli said it this way (meaning your best life) begins with embracing your I AM-ness.

Wow, what a powerful woman of God! 

If you are intrigued, burning with a desire for more truth or ravenously hungry for more, contact Jean on Facebook, and let her know you want to be trained!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Demand Freedom (Reblog)

It was on June 26, 1955, that the Freedom Charter was officially adopted by the South African Congress Alliance. On that day, Nelson Mandela only managed to escape arrest by disguising himself as a milkman. Thousands who gathered to express their support for the charter were chased from the streets by riot police. It was a day of victory even in the midst of continued oppression.

Earlier that year, the African National Congress had sent out fifty thousand volunteers to collect "freedom demands" from the people of South Africa. These demands were synthesized into the Freedom Charter. It would take another forty years before it was adopted into law. When Nelson Mandela was elected President, he used the Freedom Charter as the backbone for a new South African constitution. 

Few know that Mandela was the great grandson of a king. He had royal blood. But even though he had sovereignty in his DNA, he spent a third of his life--27 years--in prison. Yet he did not let circumstances dictate his destiny. Although oppressed and imprisoned, he did not become bitter. His royal heart caused him instead to rise up to become one of the world's most respected and beloved leaders. He changed the course of history in his nation, and became a voice of hope for people everywhere. 

You have royal blood in your DNA. 

Don't let circumstances dictate your destiny

Rise up and demand your freedom--determine to fulfill your own great potential to change the course of history.  

Become a voice of hope and an instrument of freedom wherever you are. 

Stephen Covey wrote, "I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst, a 'transformer' in any situation, any organization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf." 

This is why I wrote The 40 Day Soul Fast--to help you get to the root of who you are and what you represent for the purpose of drawing you closer to your own potential by cutting through the clutter of your circumstances. I wrote it to help you settle your soul so you can hear the voice of your own royal heart saying "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free." 

Galatians 5:1: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

-Cindy Trimm 

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

God At Work

I think I've already written about this book God @ Work (God at Work), but I am feeling the message again, so I have to write about it. I just started an empowerment coaching practice. I'm a king in the marketplace. My focus is on making sure God's resources are funneled into the desires of His heart. And, I am very concerned with the state of church (business as usual).

You see, I was just badgered by my father, who is a pastor of a Church of God in Christ fellowship about not attending church services, but I find them to be very self-serving. I mean Jesus went to the synagogue to teach people, but we have His Spirit to guide us in all truth.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
John 16: 13

There is a good reason why my generation is irreverent. Why exactly do we gather on Sunday? Where is the offering collected on Sundays/weekdays going to? Is this the model that Jesus provided?

Yeah, so I'm content not to go anywhere until the Spirit of God leads me to go. I'm up for serving the homeless, visiting the sick, building shelters, holding deformed babies, taking food to widows and sending money to orphans. But, don't ask me to go to "family game night" at church.

Jesus came to serve, not to be served. There's so much that we've twisted. Do the greatest in the church serve the least? NO! There's ushers for that or some ritualistic footwashing service which means next to nothing. God despises our heartless rituals!

I didn't mean to get on a rant, but Jesus came and showed us how it's done. And, then our big egos/thirst for significance or power caused us to corrupt and complicate things. Can I get a witness?

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Bible is Not the Word of God?

I stumbled across this video today, and it made me realize that legalism really rules in Christianity as we know it. I was taught and believed the doctrine that Scripture is perfect and God-breathed. I know now that the Scriptures are the revelation that God gives me in the kitchen cooking or after a long season of prayer. They just happen to be really old.

However, the words in red I have always devoured passionately. I have always had this unrestrained curiosity about them and then restraint from them because I would be listening to luke warm Christians. "He doesn't literally mean turn the other cheek." After walking with him and reading Brother Yun's testimony, I now know he does, and it's time to pray with all my being and seek God daily. That's it.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

David Bowden Poetry

After listening to this poem that basically pointed out most if not all of the problems with church as we know it, I wondered if his voice could matter. I have felt and fought for the same thing. God showed me that He literally weeps about the disunity in His family.

When I listen to this man, David Bowden, I hear a person totally surrendered. I wonder how he got there. I wonder who taught him, and then I also think...maybe it was just God. My cousin is alright. She is totally caught up in what God has for her, and she got that way from throwing her religion out the window and seeking God for herself. I saw the same correlation with Cindy Trimm and Jefferson Bethke. These people are not so "churched" or religious that they have ceased to be relevant. And, they believe God, and only want God.

How wonderful to be there.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

The 40 Day Soul Fast

So, yesterday I started the 40 day Soul Fast with Cindy Trimm, and I have to say I'm impressed that she is selling the solution and indirectly selling the tools to get better results. I got the app rather than the book and the physical journal (or is is electronic?).

The website is

Check it out. It's pretty cool how she's considering how people consume content today. So, she's offering the traditional book form and the e-book, it looks like. I just wanted to share this quote that was in the journal today cause it spoke to me.

“The way to be truly happy is to be truly human, and the way to be truly human is to be truly godly.” --J. J. Packer

Dr. Trimm is on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin from what I noticed. I'm not following her tweets or subscribed to her Facebook, but I just wanted to point out how she's aligning herself with new technology. It's exciting. And, I'm excited to be participating in the 40 Day Soul Fast.

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